Sunday, 24 November 2013

Kids Fitness, Sound Reason Behind Academic Performance

Fitness And Health Gadgets

Study Results on Kids Fitness

Today’s kids are tomorrow’s adults. Healthy kids are the happy kids. Whether it might be a country alone or the entire world, its future depends on today’s kids. A research on millions of children in the age group of 9 – 17 around the world carried out since 1965, revealed some astonishing results.
The American Heart Association, whose conference featured on the research carried out to check the efficiency of children with respect to their parents when they were of their kids’ age, unveiled that children’s fitness has declined globally for the last 3 decades.
Dr. Stephen Daniels, a University of Colorado pediatrician and spokesman for the heart association says, "It makes sense. We have kids that are less active than before". Health experts suggests that children 6 and older get 1 hour of moderately vigorous activity accumulated over a day. Only one-third of American kids do now.
As per Daniels, kids aren't getting enough opportunities to build up the activity over the course of the day. Many schools, for financial reasons, don't have any physical education at all. Some rely on recess, to provide exercise.
Sam Kass, a White House chef and head of first lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move program, stresses on the importance of schools in the children fitness. Kass said that we’re currently facing the most sedentary generation of the children in our history.
Tomkinson, an exercise physiologist at the University of South Australia led the study project. Research people analyzed 50 studies on running fitness, a key measure of cardiovascular health and endurance, considering 25 million children in the age group of 9 to 17 years in 28 countries carried out between 1964 and 2010. The studies were done considering how far children could run in 5 to 15 minutes and how fast they ran covering a distance of around half a mile to 2 miles and concluded that today’s kids are 15 percent less fit than their parents were. The results proved same for both boys and girls and for different age groups but differed by geographic region.
The declination in fitness appears leveling off in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and perhaps in the last few years in North America. However, it continues to fall in China and Japan never had much falloff. Fitness has remained fairly consistent in Japan. About 20 million of the 25 million children chosen for the studies were from Asia.
As per Tomkinson and Daniels, obesity likely plays a role, as it makes it harder to run or do any aerobic exercise. Watching television for a long period, playing video games and unsafe neighborhoods with not enough options for outdoor play also may play a role. Dr. Ulf Ekelund of the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo, Norway says that fitness is very poor in adults and even worse in young people, importantly in the United States and Eastern Europe. World Health Organization numbers suggest that 80 percent of young people globally may not be getting enough exercise.

As for kids it is not some times supportive to exercise on huge equipment like treadmill, the advanced technology fitness and health gadgets will support to achieve the targets and get rid of any health issues. Set a target and workout accordingly to achieve the target. For more information on how these fitness and health gadgets work and what they can do, visit Fitdango.

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