Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Best Time of Day to Exercise for Better Performance

Having spare time is the constraint that plays a vital role for the people to choose when to exercise. Each and every individual have their own idea about the best time to exercise, some prefer it so early in the morning and some others prefer it either in the evening or during afternoon. Despite this, for most it may be a huge challenge to exercise successfully in the morning.  We experience feelings of perceived weakness, low energy and poor motivation in comparison to exercise sessions taken later in the day – but why is this and what could be the root cause? There are various reasons for such a negative early morning exercise experience. Some potential causes are discussed below:
Body Clock, Body Function and Body Routine
Its human kind that if we do something consistently for long period then we feel convenient and get accustomed to perform the task at the same time even it is not the best time of doing. The same thing applies to exercise also and any change in the timings will potentially translate in to a feeling of low energy and decreased performance i.e. weakness, lack of pace, etc. It’s applying something consistently that allows our body to adapt to something and respond accordingly.

Body and Muscle Temperature
Exercise that involves explosive and quick paced movements activate fast twitch muscle fibers to successfully perform the movements. This requires higher body temperatures that are most often experienced late in the afternoon or evening. This makes the performers feel more energetic and with increased performance when such workout is done during late afternoon or evening.

Flexibility and Warm Up
Flexibility is low during morning as the body will be in lower temperature and also it has been in relaxed state all the night making specific movements and stretch limits restricted, directly effecting performance of exercise in terms of speed, strength and power.

Mind and Motivation Status
Being more positively concerned to exercising at the times we are unaccustomed to can make a huge difference to how we approach the exercise and how we feel during it. Believing that we can perform well, will translate into a solid exercise performance – difficult to do, but certainly possible to achieve. Technology blessed fitness and health gadgets supports in motivating by showing the targets to be accomplished.

Hydration Status
Early in the morning when we wake up, we are most dehydrated and this will play havoc on our ability to function and perform specific tasks – including exercise. The best solution to this potential problem is to consume a large glass of water soon after wake up.

Sleep Quality and Quantity
Best Time of Day to Exercise for Better Performance
Our energy levels will naturally be higher in the morning because of good sleep. Oversleep will result in deep feelings of tiredness. The darker the room, the better the sleep one can experience due to release of the hormone Melatonin, which promotes sleep quality.

Wake Up and Rise Time
Aim to get up at least 90 minutes before workout so as to allow the body to wake up and prepare for the stressful events ahead. Once after wake up make sure to expose yourself to bright light in order to activate the body’s natural body clock.

Nutritional Strategy
Relevant snack at least 60 minutes before workout will improve the performance and top up blood sugar and energy levels.

                  The best time of the day to perform exercise is the time of day that best works for you. The highest level of performance can be expected only at the time when we consistently follow, as body gets habituated to that time. Accepting that we cannot always be on top in every single exercise session, will help to remove any negative thoughts about the entire situation, and this can really help to move on and improve greatly in the future.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Bluetooth In Medicine, Good Support For Practitioners To Go For Real Health Care

 Health And Fitness Gadgets

Bluetooth in Medicine, Replaces a Medical Practitioner

The advancements in nanotechnology had its effective foot in Medical treatment resulting in tremendous outcomes both in treatment and medicinesA disease known is half cured and the medicine responsible for cure is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability. Time, being the most valuable part of life for a medical practitioner most of their time is being spent in taking physiological readings. It’s not apt for practitioners to spend most of their time in data acquisition. Medical treatment resulting in tremendous outcomes both in treatment and medicines.
The alternative is what Qualcomm calls is for “Body Area Network”, which results the practitioners with “Real Health Care”. The wireless pills developed by Proteus Digital Health with Qualcomm; powered by stomach acid sends temperature and acidity data to a sensor in the abdomen through electrical impulse with body as the conductor.
Proteus Digital Health is making an edible sensor that fits into a pill and informs the doctor when a pill is taken by his patient. These are expected to be released by late 2014. They are building chips from copper, silicon and magnesium and of the size of 1 mm square that can be inserted into a pill. 

Bluetooth in Medicine Working

In any case, if the patient consumes pills erratically then his doctor will immediately reduce the dose and take necessary steps. This sensor gathers and considers dozens of other points including heart rate to present an in detail picture of patient health.

MyfitnessPal, Single App Synchronizes With Multiple Devices

Smart Fitness Gadgets
If you are more conscious about your health then your smartphone apps supports you lose your weight and turn to your dream size. This is done with MyfitnessPal a calorie counting app. MyfitnessPal app synchronizes all the devices and gives a complete report of your overall health. It is a closed API and has a good number of other partnership companies and with this it becomes easy to track multiple activities.

The lineup of all partnership companies with their role is discussed below:

 Ø  BodyMedia – Tracks steps, calories intake and calories burned and support you to manage weight.

 Ø  Endomondo – With this app on phone it becomes easy to track activities like running, cycling, walking and many more.

 Ø  FINIS Swimsense – Is very useful for swimmers and tracks laps, distance covered, calories burned, stroke count and distance covered per stroke.

 Ø  Fitbit – Fitbit Force is the latest outcome from Fitbit, tracks the stairs climbed and displays on its OLED display.

 Ø  Interactive Fitness – It’s an interactive stationary bike that engages the workout. It adds fun to exercise

 Ø  MIO – Their fitness tracker tracks the complete information about heart rate, calories burned and motion

 Ø  Runtastic – With Runtastic app our workout becomes more fun

 Ø  Scosche RHYTHM – It’s an arm strap pulse and heart rate monitor

 Ø  Withings – The Wi-Fi scales record and directly transfers the weight and exercises to app

 Ø  Striiv  Striiv benefits users in their way of health and fitness with activity-based games, personalized challenges and competitions with friends.

Kids Fitness, Sound Reason Behind Academic Performance

Fitness And Health Gadgets

Study Results on Kids Fitness

Today’s kids are tomorrow’s adults. Healthy kids are the happy kids. Whether it might be a country alone or the entire world, its future depends on today’s kids. A research on millions of children in the age group of 9 – 17 around the world carried out since 1965, revealed some astonishing results.
The American Heart Association, whose conference featured on the research carried out to check the efficiency of children with respect to their parents when they were of their kids’ age, unveiled that children’s fitness has declined globally for the last 3 decades.
Dr. Stephen Daniels, a University of Colorado pediatrician and spokesman for the heart association says, "It makes sense. We have kids that are less active than before". Health experts suggests that children 6 and older get 1 hour of moderately vigorous activity accumulated over a day. Only one-third of American kids do now.
As per Daniels, kids aren't getting enough opportunities to build up the activity over the course of the day. Many schools, for financial reasons, don't have any physical education at all. Some rely on recess, to provide exercise.
Sam Kass, a White House chef and head of first lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move program, stresses on the importance of schools in the children fitness. Kass said that we’re currently facing the most sedentary generation of the children in our history.
Tomkinson, an exercise physiologist at the University of South Australia led the study project. Research people analyzed 50 studies on running fitness, a key measure of cardiovascular health and endurance, considering 25 million children in the age group of 9 to 17 years in 28 countries carried out between 1964 and 2010. The studies were done considering how far children could run in 5 to 15 minutes and how fast they ran covering a distance of around half a mile to 2 miles and concluded that today’s kids are 15 percent less fit than their parents were. The results proved same for both boys and girls and for different age groups but differed by geographic region.
The declination in fitness appears leveling off in Europe, Australia and New Zealand and perhaps in the last few years in North America. However, it continues to fall in China and Japan never had much falloff. Fitness has remained fairly consistent in Japan. About 20 million of the 25 million children chosen for the studies were from Asia.
As per Tomkinson and Daniels, obesity likely plays a role, as it makes it harder to run or do any aerobic exercise. Watching television for a long period, playing video games and unsafe neighborhoods with not enough options for outdoor play also may play a role. Dr. Ulf Ekelund of the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo, Norway says that fitness is very poor in adults and even worse in young people, importantly in the United States and Eastern Europe. World Health Organization numbers suggest that 80 percent of young people globally may not be getting enough exercise.

As for kids it is not some times supportive to exercise on huge equipment like treadmill, the advanced technology fitness and health gadgets will support to achieve the targets and get rid of any health issues. Set a target and workout accordingly to achieve the target. For more information on how these fitness and health gadgets work and what they can do, visit Fitdango.

Fitness With Fun

Fitness Trackers & Monitors

Multi-Tasking and Fun results Longer Workout Duration

The higher your energy or health and fitness level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. To keep the body in good health is a duty, without which you’ll not be able to keep your mind strong and clear. If you don’t do what’s best for your body, you are the one who comes up on the short end. Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

In present days, with busy life most of us find no time to spend on health and fitness. The technology has showered us with the fitness and health gadgets that perfectly matches all our requirements. Generally we prefer to use such gadgets that are very handy to carry anywhere, less expensive,smart looking and fun that supports health and fitness. Fitness and health gadgets available at Fitdango are the best solution in a way that they are very handy and will better fit in to your key chain and are worth of funding.

 Striivsmart pedometer is one among such gadgets that provides fitness through fun. MyLand game, pre-loaded in this pedometer, is powered by user motion. To win the game user should walk, jump, run…. as directed in the game.

Another easy way to increase your amusement with exercise is by multi-tasking. This is because your body need not get engaged on all kinds of work that your mind do. Like, while you are watching a movie or listening to music or reading books you can walk or run. This saves time as well as keeps you fit and healthy.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Fitness And Health Gadgets

Fitness And Health Gadgets Shopify
All we need is a fit body, active mind, hygiene life, desired structure and remainders that help us to reach our goals and motivate so as to set new check points. Whether it is fitness or good structure, technology trends have proven support to achieve targets. The process of emptying pockets to purchase bulky exercise equipment is no more required, exercise from where you are and check the result in your hand with the various health and fitness gadgets available. Here is what these fitness and health gadgets do:
  • While you walk they count for you and show the steps taken
  • Track your steps and stair and will provide a complete report
  • Will rate the amount you eat and what you weigh
  • Will measure the intake and expenditure of calories
  • Measures distance travelled
  • Time spent
  • Built-in apps powered by walk
  • Counts aerobic steps taken
Features of the fitness and health gadgets
  • Portable
  • Durable backup
  • Long lifetime
  • Smart
  • Cheap
With such features how one can go away with bulky equipment rather than opting for these advanced technology benefited fitness and health gadgets 2013. There are varieties of fitness trackers, fitness monitors, fast track accessories and fitness scales that performs multiple tasks, of which, the one that best fits the requirement can be chosen

Body Mass Index (BMI)

What is BMI all about?

Fitdango Best Fitness And Health Gadgets Shopify
Fitness And Health Gadgets
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat considering height and weight that applies to most adult men and women with weight in kilograms and height being considered in meters.BMI is used in a wide variety of contexts as a simple method to assess how much an individual's body weight departs from what is normal or desirable for a person of his or her height. BMI Prime is a simple modification to BMI system. It is the ratio of actual BMI and the upper limit BMI.

Why use BMI:
  •   BMI is simple, inexpensive and noninvasive measure of body weight.
  •  BMI depends only on height and weight and can easily be calculated by individuals with some reasonable accuracy.
  • BMI with some considerations can predict the risk of obesity and health risks.
BMI Limitations:
  •          It ignores the muscle and bone mass distribution
  •          BMI doesn't differentiate body fat and muscle mass
  •          Possible risk of over BMI in people with more body mass like body builders, athletes
  •          Unavoidable mislead of BMI in lean people like elderly
BMI levels for adults:
BMI levels for those of 20 years and older, BMI can be interpreted from standard weight status for all ages and for both men and women. The standard weight categories in relation with BMI for adults are:

Weight Status
Below 18.5
Under Weight
18.5 – 24.9
25.0 – 29.9
30.0 and above
BMI levels for children and adolescents:
BMI levels for children and adolescents between 2 to 20 years old, BMI is calculated considering age and sex. This is because the amount of body fat changes with age and sex for this group of people. BMI should serve only for initial screening for children and adolescents. Health consultants should integrate some other factors like physical activity, diet, ancestors history and other appropriate screening. BMI-for-age categories and percentile ranges are:
Percentile Ranking
Weight Status
< 5th percentile
Under Weight
5th percentile to <85th percentile
Normal / Healthy weight
85th to < 95th percentile
>= 95th percentile

With the advancement in technology, measuring weight status is made so easy through various body weight scales. Some of the best body weight scales are AWS Body Fat Analysis scale, Escali Smart Connect Body Scale with Bluetooth, FitBug WOW scale and many more. Among the best available fitness scales that measure the body weight, fat.... FitBug WOW scale together with FitBug AIR tracks more than just what a fitness scale can do alone?